Event Espresso
When integrating PayFast with Event Espresso, how do I copy the individual files across?
If you are concerned that copying the entire folder from the downloaded module may overwrite files in your installation, rather copy the files from the extracted module individually into your installation. Be sure to copy the files from the ...
I upgraded WordPress/Event Espresso and now I get an error “item_name” required.
This error may happen when the Event Espresso module did not initialise correctly. In some cases the “*_event_attendee_cost” table was not created, causing the SQL that fetches the item_name to break. To solve this, you just need to deactivate, and ...
I upgraded WordPress/Event Espresso and now 'PayFast' no longer appears as a payment option.
When upgrading either WordPress or Event Espresso, the PayFast payment module files may be deleted. You simply need to reinstall the module following these installation procedures and the 'PayFast' option will reappear with your previous settings ...
WordPress gives the error “invalid plugin” when I try to install the PayFast module.
Our plugin is not a plugin for WordPress itself, but for Event Espresso, which is itself an ecommerce plugin for WordPress. To integrate with PayFast, you will need to install Event Espresso first. Once you have installed WP e-Commerce, you can then ...
How do I integrate PayFast with Event Espresso?
In order to use PayFast with WordPress, you need to install Event Espresso. After this step you will need to install the PayFast payment module for Event Espresso, which is provided by PayFast. Installation requirements A working WordPress and Event ...
Popular Articles
What is MukuruPay? MukuruPay is a Payfast offering that allows anyone to pay using cash for online purchases. This method is ideal for shoppers who want to shop online but don’t have a credit card, access to a bank account, or feel comfortable paying ...
How do I use Payfast on Shopify?
To use Payfast on Shopify, follow these simple steps: Navigate to your Payfast dashboard, select 'Settings' > 'Integrations' Once there, select 'Click here to integrate with Shopify' You will be redirected to the Payfast Shopify plugin page, where ...
Multi-Currency Pricing (MCP)
How do I set up Multi-Currency Pricing? By enabling multi-currency pricing, you can allow your buyers or customers to easily pay in the currency of their choice. Depending on the currencies you enable, the currency on the payment page will be ...
Which types of cards can be used on Payfast?
Visa and Mastercard credit or cheque cards (from both local and international buyers) can be used on Payfast, as can RCS Store Cards, Diners Club, and American Express. As long as the card has a card number, expiry date, and CVV number on the back, ...
How do I request a Payout?
In order to payout the funds in your PayFast account you will have to enter your banking details for your account on the Account page and then request a Payout. We will then process a payout to your account. Please note that there is a fee for ...