Update Company Details Overview

Update Company Details Overview

The Company Details section contains all the information related to your business, such as the company name, VAT registration number, website URL, company address, and contact details, as provided in the Merchant Checklist in the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement).

You can update most of these details directly in this section, except for the registered company name, which is not editable. You can also add and manage contacts here. These contacts are used to reach the appropriate people within your organization when necessary.

By default, the finance contact provided in the MOA will be listed and cannot be deleted, but their information can be updated. This contact is marked as “default” with a tick icon. You can change which contact is set as the default by clicking the tick icon on a different contact. Only one default contact is allowed at a time. Contacts without the default status can be deleted by clicking the trash bin icon. To edit a contact, click the pencil icon, and to view their details, click the info icon.

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