How do I reconcile payments with orders on Shopify?

How do I reconcile payments with orders on Shopify?

Orders on Shopify will automatically update when a successful payment completes on Payfast. This means there is no need for you to manually match payments on your Payfast account with your Shopify orders.

Please note: Any references sent to Payfast are configured and generated by Shopify. Payfast has no involvement in the generation of these references.

Should you wish to reconcile payments, you may do so with the following two methods:

Option 1 - Batch reconciliation using CSV:

On your Shopify Portal:

  1. Export the orders from your Shopify store using the export function. You may then open this CSV file in Excel.
  2. Scroll to the far right and you will see a column ‘Payment ID’. This is the unique reference generated by Shopify.

On your Payfast Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to transaction history on your PayFast Dashboard and download the transactions as a CSV.
  2. Open this CSV in Excel and locate the column titled ‘M Payment ID’. This column contains the unique reference sent to PayFast by Shopify and can be reconciled with the Payment ID on your Shopify orders. 

Advanced Excel users: You may make use of functions such as MATCH or VLOOKUP on Excel to streamline the reconciliation between the two datasets.

Option 2 - Manual reconciliation:

On your Shopify Portal:

  1. When a payment is processed on Payfast, there's a line in the timeline inside the Shopify Order that saysA R_ ZAR payment was processed on Payfast’. Click this to open a drop-down.
  2. In that section, click the drop-down called "Information from the gateway".
  3. Under ‘Payment’ there will be a unique Payment ID value generated by Shopify. 

On your Payfast Dashboard:

  1. In your transaction history section, click the three dots on the right and view the transaction details of the payment.
  2. Hover over "Custom Str4" and you will see the reference following this piece of text ‘gid://shopify/PaymentSession/’. This reference can be correlated with the above unique Payment ID generated by Shopify.

Please note: In the future, the Payment ID generated by Shopify will reflect in the “Custom Str1” field. You may use a combination of these methods if required for your reconciliation process.

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