How do I amend the Shopify Pending Payment email for Cash Alternative Payments?

How do I amend the Shopify Pending Payment email for Cash Alternative Payments?

Cash payment alternatives, such as Mukuru and SCode, allow your customers to pay for their online purchases using cash, debit or credit card across a national network of physical retail payment outlets. 



  1. When customers choose to pay using these methods, they are prompted to click “I WILL MAKE PAYMENT” at checkout to complete the purchase.  
  2. The customer will receive an email or SMS after checkout. They can either print the email or take their mobile phone with the SMS to a selected store to make payment.  
  3. The transaction is marked as “pending” on your Shopify dashboard.
  4. At this point, the customer also receives an email from Shopify, which is the “pending payment successful” email template on your Shopify dashboard. 
  5. Once the customer pays for the voucher, the transaction is marked as paid on your dashboard. 

This template needs to be changed by you on the Shopify dashboard. It is important to check all your templates on Shopify, as messaging can be misleading to your customers. The “payment pending success” template could indicate that a payment has been successful, when the voucher still needs to be paid in store.  

We recommend changing your “payment pending success” template to include the following in the email below <class="footer"> :

<p class="container"> 
            <strong>Important information for SCode and Mukuru transactions: </strong> 
You are still required to pay for this transaction at your nearest SCode or Mukuru branch. Once paid, your order will be marked as paid by the merchant and your goods or services can be redeemed. This email does not confirm that your order has been paid until you have successfully paid for the voucher. 

Please click the following link for more information on how to change your Shopify templates: 


Watch this video to see how to amend your “pending payment success” email: 

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