Your POS device allows you to easily view and manage all transactions performed on your card machine through the Transaction History feature. To access this, tap on Sales History from the device’s landing page. Once there, you will see a list of all transactions with various filters available to customize your view. Here's a detailed breakdown of the available filters and how to use them.
1. Device Filter
The device filter lets you view transactions across all devices linked to your merchant ID or only those made on the specific POS device you're using. How this filter works depends on the user role assigned:
· Employee Role:
o All Devices: Displays only the transactions made by the employee across all devices.
o This Device: Shows only the transactions performed by that employee on the current device. If the employee hasn't performed any transactions on the device, the history will be blank.
· Manager Role:
o All Devices: Displays transactions made by all staff members across all devices linked to your merchant ID.
o This Device: Shows all transactions performed on the current device, regardless of who processed them.
Note: To filter by specific devices, managers must log into the merchant dashboard, navigate to the In-Person Payments page, and use the Device Name filter there.
2. Staff Filter
This filter allows you to view transaction history by staff member:
· Employee Role: The staff member’s name will automatically appear in the filter, and they won't be able to change it.
· Manager Role: Managers can toggle between their role or view all staff transactions.
To filter by a specific staff member’s transactions, managers must use the merchant dashboard.
3. Payment Type Filter
This filter lets you view transactions by payment method:
· All Payment Types: Displays both card and cash transactions.
· Card Payments: Displays only card transactions.
· Cash Payments: Displays only cash transactions.
Below the filters, transactions are grouped by day, with a running balance total displayed for each day. Please note, the running balance feature is currently only available on the POS app and will be added to the merchant dashboard in a future update.
Each transaction record includes the following details:
1. Status: A green tick for successful transactions, or a red cross for unsuccessful or failed transactions.
2. Transaction Type:
· Sale: Successful payment transaction.
· Void: Reversal of a payment.
· Refund: Successful refund transaction.
3. Time and Staff Member: Indicates the time of the transaction and who performed it.
4. Transaction Amount: The total amount processed in the transaction.